Medicine and Art
Medicine and art? When I first looked at the topic of this
week, I was like “what”. Even till now, I am still quite confused about how are
this two areas related. So this made me go back to the very beginning of the
class and look for the meaning of art. When I looked up the Oxford dictionary,
art is very much related to creativity and imagination and not specific to visual.
So far, we have been constrained to the visual arts. Thus, this week’s topic is
a branching out to the less discussed side of art.
y models, doctors are able to prepare and teach complex surgical procedures without a patient suffering from that specific condition.
Medical drawings are not limited to human bodies only. In the
field of medicine, medical drawings also apply to the ingredients of medicine. Maybe
not so much for western medicines nowadays, but definitely important to the
traditional Chinese medicine. Growing up in China, I have known some
traditional Chinese medicine. Drawings of herbal medicine are often important
to the practitioners to identify the correct herbal plant to use. Afterall,
many plants look similar but have drastic difference in effect. Also, the usage
of herbs varies based on the condition of the patient. This is called syndrome
differentiation where the practitioners use their “creativity” based on the
patients to issue different prescriptions. Sometimes, the prescriptions only
differ by a minor change to the proportions of the herbs used.
As such,
art and medicine are related closely, although not obvious. In fact, the
creativities by those medical “artists” are benefiting humanities. Because of
their creativity, we can have plastic surgery to help those whose face are
deformed due to tragedies. Things like bionic eyes are also helping some blinds
to see. So in medicine, the three cultures again joint force to make a better
Frank M. Corl, Melissa R. Garland, and Elliot K. Fishman. Role of Computer Technology in Medical Illustration. American Journal of Roentgenology 2000 175:6, 1519-1524
New Bionic Eye Allows the Blind to See Again. Dir. Neoli2300. YouTube. Accessed Apr 30 2017
Oxford Dictionary. Accessed Apr 30 2017
Panda, S.C. “Medicine: Science or Art?” Mens Sana Monographs 4.1 (2006): 127–138. PMC. Web. 1 May 2017.
Shen-nong. "Common TCM Questions". Accessed Apr 30 2017
Steph. “12 Ingenious Gadgets & Technologies for the Blind | WebUrbanist.” Weburbanist. N.p. Accessed Apr 30 2017
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