
Example of NanoArt
NanoArt is a new art that combines science and technology. As its name suggests, NanoArt are done at nano-level. So it is only possible with the use of modern technology that allowed us to see at nano-level.

Nanotechnology is about engineering at molecular level. It was first introduced by Richard Feynman in 1959. He did not bring up the term “nanotechnology” in his lecture “There’s plenty of Room at the Bottom”, but he suggested the idea that scientist could build things at atomic precision(CRNANO). Since then, many work have been dedicated towards creating machines at molecular and methods to observe at that level.

One application of nanotechnology is on the skin-care and beauty products. These products are more related to us since most of the people uses some kinds of skin-care and beauty products on a daily basis, especially the females. Sunscreen contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles, which are highly reflective to protect our skin from sun radiations. Cosmetics also uses nanoparticles as delivery agent to enhance “skin hydration, bioavailability, stability of the agent and controlled occlusion”(NanoWerk). In addition, skin-care products are using nanoparticles to repair skin at cellular level and reduce the effect of aging.

All kinds of Cosmetics

City Draw by Electrical Marker

Going into arts, an example of such technology is the electrical marker that conducts electricity. This marker has silver nanoparticle filled ink that allowed it to have conductivity. Remember those old days where we learn and draw electrical circuit in those physics classes without knowing if our circuit would work. Now, we can draw a circuit that can tell you immediately. With this marker, drawer can create a glowing city. Scaling down to nano-level, with microscope that allowed us to see the nano-particles. Like “A Boy and His Atom”, an animation created by IBM with carbon monoxide molecules, by controlling the temperature and scanning with microscope, engineers are able to create frames of pictures that  combined to make the animation.
 A Boy and His Atom


Boyle, Rebecca. Popular Science. "7 Amazing Ways Nanotechnology Is Changing The World". Accessed May 22 2017

Boysen, Earl, Muir, Nancy C., Dudley, Desiree, and Peterson, Christine. Dummies. "Nanotechnological Skin Care That Keeps You Young". Accessed May 22 2017

CRNano. "What is Nanotechnology?". Accessed May 22 2017

Hale, Tom. IFLScience. "You Can Draw Electrical Circuits With This Silver Pen". Accessed May 22 2017

NanoWerk. "Nanotechnology in Cosmetics". Accessed May 22 2017

Wikipedia. "A Boy and His Atom". Accessed May 22 2017


  1. I like the example of skin care products as they are very widely used in our everyday life. They are very common products that utilizes Nanotechnology which seems very far away from our life. The electrical maker is also a very useful embodiment of Nanotechnology.


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